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Date: 4/24/2024
From: ESHOA Board of Directors
To: East Shores Homeowners
ESHOA Annual Meeting Notice
When: Wednesday April 24, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM Meet & Greet
6:30 PM Dinner will be served
Annual Meeting & Election of Board of Directors
Place: Club Windward
Please plan to attend as important information will be presented.
We will be electing a new Board of Directors this year. The current Board of Directors are as follows:
Chip Averwater
Jerry Benfield
Mike Benfield
John Brown
Greg Davis
Jenny Ellis
Shirley Harwell
Dennis Kopcial
Sheila Mitchell
Tom Mitchell
Rebecca Roche
If anyone else would like to be a candidate for the Board, please contact one of the current Board members.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on April 24th !
ESHOA Board of Directors

Date: 4/27/2023
From: ESHOA Annual Meeting
At our first in-person meeting since Covid, Beckie shared updates on many activities and improvements in East Shores, including new marina slips, camera and gate improvements, and new committees and members.
She also offered the following reminders:
- Speeding is still a problem with some in the neighborhood. People are walking, jogging, riding bikes, especially in this season. Pleas maintain speed and remind your workers to do the same.
- Any improvements to landscaping and house must be approved by the Architectural Commitee, including fencing and lighting.
- Lighting is to be dimmed and not shining in others’ yards. We want to maintain the ability to see the lake and not have light pollution.
- Homeowners have obligations pursuant to the bylaws and covenants to keep drains and gutters near your property of debris. Drains feed the lake so anything in the gutter will end up in the lake.
- No leaves should be put in the road at any time. When leaf collections commence, they are to be put in your yard at the street but not in the street for the same reason.
- No outside boats are allowed on the lake. You are not permitted to allow anyone onto the lake to boat or fish or swim unless you accompany the outsider.
- Guests are to follow the rules of the lake and the community, including being on the lake and speeding in the community.

Date: 3/4/2023
From: ESHOA President Beckie Roche
To: East Shores Homeowners
We don’t want to inundate you with too many e mails given how busy we all are. But, given the recent increase in car break-ins and other crime, the Board has researched and considered additional security options that we might be able to implement in the community to ensure our safety. We have also compiled a number of suggestions for the individuals living in the neighborhood that we want to pass along.
1. The Board considered (and will continue to consider subject to community interest) a manned gate at the front 24/7. We believe that this is more secure but is likely to be cost prohibitive. The Board has ruled it out unless there is substantial interest in coming together to pay for such security. We can discuss this at the annual meeting if there is significant interest. If you are interested, please reach out to discuss it with our president, Beckie Roche at rholtroche(at) or 310-877-9311.
2. The Board has considered a number of times restricting access through the back gate. It is currently restricted from 6 pm to 6 am, the times that crimes are most often committed. Given the steady stream of visitors, deliveries, housekeepers, yardmen, landscapers, maintenance men, repair techs, construction workers, as well as the need for the sheriff, school busses and emergency vehicles to have access most feel that further restricting access will not improve security enough to be worth the considerable inconveniences. We are also interested in what the community as a whole believes should be done in this regard. Feel free to reach out before the annual meeting to Beckie Roche the president at rholtroche(at) or 310-877-9311 to discuss your thoughts on the issue.
3. Given that we do not have fully locked gates or a full time security guard, there are other things that as a community we can do.
a. We have enhanced the security cameras at both gates so that video and camera shots are available of all persons that enter the community. This has been beneficial in assessing the gate damages in the past and can be used to provide video and license plate information to the police should we need to. The cameras are fully functional and are being maintained.
b. We are in the process of replacing the worn signs about video surveillance in the community, but believe that neither the signs nor the cameras are a deterrent to crime.
c. We encourage parking your cars in your garages and securing the garage so that there are no accessible cars for break in, which is one of the biggest upticks in crime in the area. If it is known that there are no cars, there is no need for these criminals to be in the community. Most of the crime in adjoining neighborhoods have been car burglaries. Cars parked on the street or in the driveways attract burgers.
d. Law enforcement tells us that lighting is one of the most effective deterrents of crime. We do not have street lights, and do not want them so that we can enjoy the dark skies and the lake at night. But we can get a similar effect with tasteful landscape lighting, set to automatically be on from dusk to dawn. Of course you must be mindful that light pollution is a nuisance in the community and you cannot have spot lights, landing strip lights or similar that do not allow us or our neighbors to view the lake at night.
e. We encourage each of you to install doorbell and security light cameras These immediately notify residents when someone is on their property. If the homeowner sees something suspicious, they can call the sheriff and set off the built-in alarms. If we have enough these in the neighborhood criminals should not get far before being detected. (The Averwaters have offered to show their recently installed system to any interested residents and share what they have learned. The doorbell camera and security lights are reasonably priced.)
f. We definitely warn all residents not to confront burglars directly. Now more than ever, burglars are carrying guns. If you see something suspicious do not confront them, rather set off your car alarm, house alarm, security lights and camera alarms and call the sheriff (901-379-7625).
g. We are, as noted in my earlier e mail, forming an HOA security committee to monitor security gaps and opportunities, promote security, liaise with other communities and their efforts, and to make recommendations to the Board. Please let us know if you are willing to serve on the committee by reaching out to Beckie Roche at 310-877-9311 or rholtroche(at)
h. We are beginning a Neighborhood Watch program. See the prior email about getting the GroupMe app and being part of the notification and/or watch system. Contact Beckie Roche at 310-877-9311 or rholtroche(at)
Thank you and if you have any suggestions, concerns or observations please reach out to Beckie Roche or any other Board member.
The ESHOA Board

Date: 3/4/2023
From: ESHOA President Beckie Roche
To: East Shores Homeowners
I am emailing to update you on a few matters of importance to the community.
1. We have contracted to have the roads repairs this year and they asphalt company has just been waiting for the weather to cooperate. As soon as we get a window where the weather is dry and warm enough we are first on the list to have the roads repaired. This means that there is likely to be little notice to us and they may just show up one day soon to do the work. Please do not park your cars on the street until after the work is done so that if we are surprised your area which might need repair is not skipped.
2. We will have our annual meeting in person this year on April 27, 2023 at 5:30 for gathering, dinner and our annual meeting. Please attend as we have many important updates and it will be our first meeting in 3 years. We will also be voting in our board for this year. If you are interested in serving on the board for next year, there will be an open nominations system at the meeting. Otherwise, all of the board members are willing to continue to serve. Please rsvp to if you intend to come by March 30 so that we can get a pretty good count on the numbers for our dinner.
3. We need volunteers to be on the architectural and security committees. I would like to have those interested reach out so that we can have the committees formed before our meeting in April. This is an opportunity to serve the community and ensure its security and beauty, but does not involve much work. It is also a great way to get to know all of our neighbors. Email me at rholtroche(at) if you want to be on either committee.
4. The fence at the entrance to the community on Lou Jan Causeway will be repaired shortly as the fencing is falling in several places. You can expect to see some of the posts being replaced and workers in the area.
5. We had a number of volunteers to be on a Neighborhood Watch system. I discovered that we cannot have more than 9 individuals on any text group so texting will not work. The app GroupMe will work and can accommodate as many people as we need, and we can have an open chat and notification system. If you are interested, please download the app and let me know at rholtroche(at) that you have added the app and I will create the group and add you to it.
Thank you as always for being good neighbors.
Beckie Roche
ESHOA President

Date: 8/24/2022
From: ESHOA President Beckie Roche
To: East Shores Homeowners
Hello everyone. I wanted to give you all an update on a few things the Board has been working on in the community and remind everyone of a few rules.
First, however, we have a number (quite a few) new homeowners in the community. Welcome and we are glad to have you.
1. The gates have been repaired and are back in good working order. Please be reminded that the gates may not be pushed open by hand or by auto. We recently had several incidents where someone pushed the gate open which resulted in the arm being bent and the gears stripping out. We had to repair and replace the broken items, which was the reason the back gate was stuck open for a time. Please remind your guests also about this very important item. If the gate at the back does not work, please go to the front gate to get in and report the issue to me. Additionally the automatic opener has been repositioned so that it is now working successfully.
2. The cameras are now back installed and in working order. We have 4 people in the community responsible for maintenance and for retrieving any recordings that may be necessary. The recordings are stored for no more than 30 days. If you need something from the recording please contact Mike Benfield, Jerry Benfield, Denny Kopcial or John Brown.
3. We have contracted to repair the roads, but the asphalt company is busy and booked probably for the rest of the season, though they are going to try to fit us in. If they cannot get to it we will be on their list for the spring. Once it gets cold they cannot pave so we only have a short window to be fit in. Stay tuned for an announcement as to the date of the paving.
4. We are going to dredge the marina and finally install a few slips at the end on either side of the boat ramp. These slips are for off shore homeowners and will be rented out for an annual fee, which will be used to maintain them and the rest of the marina. They are not for any outsiders. We are also intent on repairing the existing marina and are in negotiations with contractors to repair the first 1/4 of the dock that is in the worst shape. We will have more details about when that will take place, and will be discussing the boat situation with the individuals that have their boats parked there currently to manage the repairs. Stay tuned as we settle upon a date. If there is anyone needing a slip please contact me so that we can get you on the list as it will be first come, first served. More details about the installation and annual cost once we get the contract in place.
5. We will be installing new bumper guards at the front gate to prevent individuals coming into the community from running over the trigger for the outgoing gate. Many people do not wait for the gate to completely open and go around it causing the other gate to open unnecessary. The motors are in good condition, but the additional wear and tear will be costly. Please be aware of any new bumpers that you see so that you do not run into them. They will be installed in the middle portion of the street.
6. There are a number of homeowners that have street gutters full of debris such as sand, grass clippings and other assorted items. Please remember that EVERYTHING that washes down the gutters goes into the storm drains and these empty into the lake. To keep our lake pristine we cannot have anything going into the drains. If you have a drain on your property or near it you are responsible to make sure it is not clogged and that debris from your property is not going into it or getting stuck on top of it. Additionally, lawns need to be maintained and mowed at all times, as well as maintaining weeds and other debris on the property. We all want the neighborhood to look good.
Our covenants and restrictions state that all grass, weeds, vegetation and debris on each lot shall be kept mowed and cleared at regular intervals by the owner and maintained in a neat and attractive manner. Trees, shrubs, vines, debris and plants, which die, shall be promptly removed from such lots. Further each owner shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of that portion of curb located within the right-of-way, which is contiguous to the Owner’s lot. (See CCRs, Article VI)
For any property that is not maintained the HOA has the authority to do the clean up or mowing and then charge the homeowner. Please therefore, if you have debris in the street gutter, clean it up. And please remember to mow your yards regularly. 🙂
7. Again a reminder that we have a speed limit in the neighborhood of 20 miles per hour. Most people walk and have dogs and children. The street must be a safe place for all to enjoy their walks.
8. There is no overnight parking on the streets.
9. There is an opening on the board which has not been filled as no one is yet interested in serving. We also currently have a position on the architectural committee, which we are actively searching for. We need assistance in making transitions for the future given the number of years that many of the board members have served. We do all of the work ourselves, including repairing the gates, maintaining the cameras, collecting the dues, setting budgets and dealing with the City of Lakeland and other maintenance or expansion issues. We could really use the help of others that can begin to acquire the knowledge and contacts so that if and when these board members no longer serve, our community can continue successfully. We therefore welcome any interest. Please contact me with your interest in serving.
Thank you all for being such good neighbors. I love living in this neighborhood as I am sure you all do. Hope your summer wind down is successful.
Beckie Roche

Date: 10/29/2020
From: Beckie Holt, ESHOA, Pres.
To: East Shores Homeowners
Hello everyone. I hope that everyone is well and staying safe these days. We had our first HOA meeting last night, successfully practicing social distancing and using Zoom for the meeting. I thought I would give everyone a small update on the community and take the time to remind everyone of certain requirements.
First, the back gate had a hinge on the top that was sagging due to age and causing the gate to get stuck on opening or closing. It has been repaired and a new hinge replaced so should be good for a while.
We are in the process of trying to get the three drains in the community cleaned out so that the back flow will not erode into streets or yards. We have had a company come out and diagnose the problem but due to COVID they have not been back. We are reaching out to them and to another company to see if and when this can be done. Please let me know if you see any serious problems that need addressing
The marina area will shortly have the chain and lock taken down for use of the dock for on loading and off loading. Please be mindful that when using the dock you do so at your own risk. There are frequently boards that may need repair. We have people monitoring the need for repairs on the dock but if you see anything that needs attention please let me know right away. The dock is to be used for off loading and on loading and there is no overnight parking of boats. Also please be respectful of the neighbors who abut or join the dock as this is their back yard, literally.
Regular mowings have been done all summer and watering the entrance also done during hot weather. Now that fall is here the mowing will discontinue as well as the watering.
Please remember that there are to be NO TRUCKS or HEAVY EQUIPMENT on the dam. The dam is very old and subject to damage. For those having work done to their houses, lots or sea walls or decks, ALL personnel must access the community using the back gate at Seed Tick. There are no exceptions to this rule and violators may have to pay damages for repair to the dam. Please remember we only have an easement over the dam but are subject to the regulations and requirements of the State monitoring the dam and to the Garner Lake Management which owns the dam.
There is NO fishing on the dam at any time. This is a lake rule and violators will be reported to the lake rangers who may take appropriate action including involving the sheriff for trespass violations being issued. We do not want to have to do this and want everyone to be good neighbors.
Remember the speed limit in the neighborhood is 20 miles per hour. We have seen many individuals speeding in the community. Please be respectful to your neighbors, which include families out and about with children, people waking dogs and elderly residents.
It has come to the attention of a number of neighbors that there are outsiders who have routinely been in the neighborhood and may have been given clickers to the gates or the code for entry for use of the community when they are not residents. You are not permitted to do so and any outsiders, whether they have clickers or not are trespassing when they enter the community for use of the facilities or just traveling through. There have been reports that a number of individuals residing in communities off of Seed Tick are using out community as a thoroughfare for access to their community. This is not permitted at all. Violators may be subject to being reported to the local sheriff. It is dangerous to the residents who utilize the private community for their outdoor walks and recreation. If you have given the pass code to the community or a gate clicker to someone that does not reside in this community, except for family members, you must recall those and prevent such access. In this regard, please also do not just let people in that are at the gate even if you are behind them and wanting to enter without waiting for them to enter. You may have to politely ask who they are and why they are entering before letting them in. Security is a big issue for many of our residents and without the cooperation of everyone we risk the security of a gated community.
Please note that there is NO parking on the dam to unload lake equipment. This property is owned by Garner Lake Management and they prohibit such parking and or off loading. The opposite of the lake on the dam is owned either by the park below or by our newest resident. Parking there also violates trespass rules.
There is no overnight parking of cars on the roads.
We have a wonderful community and many neighbors look out for each other. We want to continue this tradition. If you have any issues with the roads, or other common areas, please let one of the board members know. As a reminder your board consists of the following members.
Beckie Roche
John Brown
Tom Mitchell
Sheila Mitchell
Jerry Benfield
Mike Benfield
Shirly Harwell
Greg Davis
Jenny Ellis
Denny Kopcial
We hope that you all stay well this winter season and enjoy family, friends, the holidays and our lake community.
Beckie Roche

Date: 4/4/2019
From: ESHOA Board of Directors
To: East Shores Homeowners
ESHOA Annual Meeting Notice
When: Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Time: 5:30 PM Meet & Greet
6:15 PM Meal will be served
Annual Meeting & Election of Board of Directors Follows
Place: Club Windward – they always provide a great meal for us.
Please plan to attend. Very important information is always presented.
We will be electing a new Board of Directors this year. The following individuals have expressed a desire to continue on the Board or to join the Board. We currently have 2 open positions. We will be voting for 10 members. The candidates are in alpha order:
Jerry Benfield
Mike Benfield*
John Brown*
Greg Davis
Jenny Ellis*
Kevin Fields
Shirley Harwell*
Dennis Kopcial*
Sheila Mitchell*
Tom Mitchell*
Rebecca Roche*
*-indicates a current member
If anyone else would like to be a candidate, please call one of the current Board members.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on April 30th !
ESHOA Board of Directors

Date: 10/28/2018
From: Beckie Holt, ESHOA, Pres.
To: East Shores Homeowners
With the retirement of Isaias from duties on the board and the resignation of Tom as Vice President, this is my first official introduction as your acting president. Shirley Harwell was voted by the board as Vice President and I as President until the next annual meeting. Feel free to reach out to me at any time if you have any issues in the community.
On a more current note, there have been beavers active in the community for the lakeside residents. Tom Mitchell has had a number of trees taken down by the beavers the last few nights. I myself had a few trees lost last year. Be on the look out. But the best prevention seems to be chicken wire at the bottom of the trees. They like crepe myrtles and maples apparently. Trapping has been done on the lake in the past according to Denny, but they come back anyway. So prevention in your own yard, like with the deer might be the best thing to do.
Hope your holiday season is a good one.
Rebecca (Beckie) Holt

Date: 9/15/2018
From: Garner Lake Association Webmaster
To: Garner Lake Association Members
Yesterday (after extensive study) the GLA, in association with LMA, released 600 sterile grass carp into the coves of the lake. Each cove got the recommended number. The grass carp are strictly vegetarians and will eat the grass and weeds that have plagued us this year.
Grass carp are a VERY common, natural, long-term solution to the weed problem and are widely used in southern lakes and ponds with virtually zero negative reports. Annual spraying is cost prohibitive. This is a much better and more affordable solution.
These grass carp should not be confused with other species of carp. They are NOT the carp that leap into boats such as the invasive Asian carp in the Mississippi River.
They will not eat or otherwise disturb or compete with other fish.
They are certified sterile (required by the State of Tennessee) and WILL NOT reproduce. Therefore, should you happen to catch one (unlikely), it must be returned to the lake immediately. They are a greenish/yellow color with large scales. The carp will grow rather quickly. They may be as large as 5 or 6 pounds by the end of next summer.
If you are treating the weeds in your area yourself, please REFRAIN FROM FURTHER USE OF ANY CHEMICALS to control the weeds. Let the carp do the work.
Finally, the carp WILL eat fish food such as that spread by automatic feeders. If you use one of these feeders, we respectfully request that you refrain from doing so, at least until next summer. The more fish food the carp in your cove consume, the less grass and weeds they remove from your cove.
Thanks to all for your cooperation!